Terms of Service

This user agreement is published for access and/or usage of “MyTwee” a premium Live TV streaming app.
This is a legal and binding agreement between You i.e. the User of the Service and the Company and states the terms that govern Your use of the Service. By accessing this Service, You consent, agree and undertake to abide, be bound by and adhere to the Terms of Use and if You do not agree to these terms of use, You should not access or use the Service and any use thereafter shall be unauthorized.
Please review the Terms of Use from time-to-time. We reserve the right, at Our sole discretion, to change, modify or otherwise alter these Terms of Use at any time without prior notice. Such changes and/or modifications shall become effective immediately upon being posted/published on the Service herein.


  1. The Service is being provided to You with subscription charges for the usage of the Service. However, the Company reserves the right to adopt any method of monetization through the Service in the future as it deems fit.
  2. This Service is offered and made available only to Users above the age of 18 years (or above 21 years where a guardian is appointed as per the Majority Act.
  3. If You are under the Age of Majority and continue accessing the Service, the Company will assume that You have reviewed these Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy with Your parent/legal guardian and Your parent/legal guardian understands and agrees to it on Your behalf.
  4. Please note that the availability of the Service in Your jurisdiction, and Your ability to access the Service is subject to the Company’s sole discretion. The Company may at its sole discretion restrict the Service from being accessed in certain geographical locations.
  5. All rights, title and interest in the Intellectual Property Rights in the Service including without limitation all its constituents, content, text, images, audios, audio-visuals, literary work, artistic work, musical work, computer program, dramatic work, sound recording, cinematograph film, a video recording, performance , copy sketches, drawings, artwork, software, source code, object code, comments on the source code and object code, domain names, application names, designs, database, tools, icons, layout, programs, titles, names, manuals, graphics, animation, games, applications, user interface instructions, photographs, artist profiles, illustrations, jokes, memes, contests, and all other elements, data, information and materials ("Materials") are the property of the Company and/or its licensors and/or other respective owners and are protected, without limitation, pursuant to Intellectual Property Rights laws of the world. The Company retains full, complete and absolute title to the Service and all Intellectual Property Rights therein.
  6. The Company will have the right but no obligation to monitor, remove, suspend, destroy, use and change any User Material and/or content that is available on or via any chat area on the Service generally, if any, in any manner that the Company may its sole discretion determine, at any time.


  1. By accessing and/or using the service, you have read, understood and agree to be legally bound by the terms of this disclaimer. You agree that your access to the service is at your sole risk and at your free will. Every effort is made to keep the service running smoothly. However, the company takes no responsibility for, and will not be liable for, the service being unavailable due to any reasons.
    1. The entire risk as to the quality, accuracy, adequacy, completeness, fitness, correctness and validity of any material and use of and access to the service or any connected service rests solely with you.
    2. Statutory duty or otherwise) exceed the amount paid by you, if any, for accessing the service.
    3. If you are dissatisfied with the service or with these terms of use, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue accessing or using the service.

You agree to fully indemnify, defend and hold harmless the company, its affiliates, associates and group companies, and their respective directors, key managerial personnel, employees, officers, shareholders, agents, representatives, sub-contractors, consultants and third-party providers from and against all losses, claims and damages including legal fees, resulting from: (a) your violation of any term of these terms of use; (b) your violation of any third party right, including without limitation any publicity, privacy, or intellectual property right; (c) your breach of any applicable laws; (iv) any unauthorized, improper, illegal or wrongful use of your account by any person, including a third party, whether or not authorized or permitted by you; and (d) your breach of any representation, warranty, covenant or undertaking under these terms of use or under applicable law. This indemnification obligation will survive the expiry or termination of these terms of use and your use of the service.

If You have any questions or queries with respect to the Service, then such correspondence should be directed at support@MyTwee.com.